Friday, September 30, 2011


Criterion D – Evaluate

Instructions: Comparing the quality of the product with the original design specifications.

1. Was my product able to meet the aim I established in my design brief, if yes why? If no, why not?

In my opinion my product was able to meet the aim I established even though I did some different things than the ones I specified in my design brief. My goal was for people to understand that they an achieve their biggest dream and I believe that my product clearly showed this. I am very satisfied with my final product.

2. Which are the areas that require improvement?

Something that requires improvement is the size of the product, I had some problems printing it so at the end it came out kind of small. But overall I am happy with my work, I obviously don't think that my project is perfect, but that is what I like because I created the whole thing by myself, if I wanted something perfect I would have just gone to Google and get a nice image that transmits the message and that is it, but what I wanted is to be creative and do something different in my own, so I saved two images and I worked with both.

3. Do you have any changes or deviations from the original design? Explain and justify.

There were some things I did change from my original design because at the beginning I didn't understand well what we were suposed to do, I thought we had to do a poster and present to he class why we chose this quote and show some images that are related to it. But then I understood that we had to do a product that make people understand the message I wanted to transmit, I still used the original typography, I used the Walt Disney Font.

Evaluating efficiency of the planning process

· Did everything worked as I planned it? If not, what went wrong?

Things did work as I planned, my frinal product did transmit the message I wanted to. I had many complications because I never use Photo Shop so it was kind of hard, cutting pictures and putting on top of others, and pating a cloud. Another thing that went wrong was the size I had in my mind of how my product was going to be, it ended up being kind of little.

· Evaluating the social significance of the product

1.) Do you think that your presentation is useful for the student community?

I do think that my presentation is useful for the community because it encourages them to achieve their dreams in life. I made a cute product and it looks childish but it has a very deep message in it.

2.) Friends opinions, you need to have name and opinion of 2 people

Rafaela: I think that your project is very cute, since the first time I saw it I understood perfectly the message of achieving our dreams in life. It looks very nice, it would have been cooler if it was a little bigger but it is allright. Good Job :)

Sofia: Your product has a very important significance it is very well done because we can all understand it perfectly. I really like the detail you put in it and we can see you put effort on it!

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