Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is the impact of new emerging technologies and their applications?

Every day new things are created. Technology is not only the electronic things, technology is the evolution of things. There is this famous quote that says that technology only proofs the laziness of people, at the beginning I did not understand it but if you analyze it you will see it is true. This quote is true because technology makes our lives easier and it helps us do things faster, for example: a car, instead of walking we have car so it is much more comfortable and we get faster.
So technology impacts our life every single day, social networks are developing every time, so you can live in China and your boss in Venezuela and you can work easily, you just have to go on Skype and that's it. Skype is becoming a major source for work communication, if you miss someone you go on a video call and that's it. There is this new generation of people that the majority of their couples they meet online. I have found friends that I haven't talked to since Kinder and I talk to them every day. One of my best friend live in Argentina and I talk to her almost everyday, and our relationship is intact and that is thanks to the technology, the advancement of communication.
Buildings, malls, etc. are constructed faster because technology has advanced so new trucks with more applications can do them faster.
Technology is going to keep on advancing and it will keep on impacting our lives. So many things have been invented that I cannot even imagine what things are going to be created.

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